
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

March 2, 1904-September 24, 1991 On Saturday, March 2nd Dr. Seuss Enterprises is gearing up to celebrate the author’s 115th birthday, and will announce several new collaborations  aimed at reaching new audiences and providing more fun and information for current audiences.  And on February 25th Susan Brandt, president of Dr. Seuss enterprises, stated that as […]

President’s Day

President’s Day

On the third Monday of February every year, American’s celebrate National President’s Day to pay tribute to past presidents. The most honored presidents are George Washington the first president to lead a country newly freed from the rule of King George of England and Abraham Lincoln who reunited a nation torn apart over the issue […]

Happy National Soup Day!

Happy National Soup Day!

Happy National Soup Day! Children of all ages love learning by doing. Chicken soup is an inexpensive choice for lunch, especially where winters are long and frigid, and it is something kids can help prepare. Ingredients: cubed potatoes found in the frozen food section (optional), 3 cans or a large container of low fat-low sodium […]



Have we over-regulated our Early Childhood programs? Lessons I may have learned during my travels through Rwanda… Or maybe I am just longing for the good old days of play with more risk and where supervision was not defined as never allowing children to problem solve their way out of challenging situations and navigating natural […]

Head Start and Human Resources

Head Start and Human Resources

My team and I travel across the country visiting and working with Head Start and Early Head Start grantees and several themes common to many programs emerge as we conduct a gap analysis to help program’s identify their strengths and their vulnerabilities, their risks under Designation and Renewal if they have a pending on-site review […]

An Incredible Head Start Journey…

An Incredible Head Start Journey…

It seems an appropriate theme for the first Willow Tree Early Education Team blog to be a reflection of the incredible journey that is the reason the company exists and to pay tribute to the many people and programs that have been a part of this journey, the first step of which occurred when I […]

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